Friday, January 05, 2007


Yes, I know it's January 5th. I like to procrastinate, so I've just made my New Year's resolutions.

#1: Find job.

This one is the priority, obviously. And how's it going? Could be better. Top Choice Company has not deigned to contact me yet, and one of the positions that I applied for is no longer listed on its Web site. Company with Rockin' Benefits just sent a letter saying, "Thanks, but no thanks! Good luck!" I have not heard anything from Company I Interviewed With Way Back in December, so I'm guessing that's a no-go as well. And I had another interview today, for a position I'd like very much. It's part-time, it's two frackin' blocks away from the boys' daycare, it's got a casual atmosphere, and I'd still be able to look for full-time work. But I am rather frightened that they'll call me up on Monday and say, "Thanks, but no thanks! Good luck!"

#2: Spend more quality time with Boy Wonder.

#3: Spend more quality time with Baby Boone.

#2 and #3 will be sort of challenging, really. Boy Wonder is quite demanding of attention lately, as the average three-year-old is, and Baby Boone has turned into a very interactive, mobile little guy who is not keen on napping and likes to put everything into his mouth. So playing with one of them while the other does his own thing is not really possibly anymore. Baby Boone is very interested in everything his older brother does, of course, and Boy Wonder alternates between "I want to share my toys with him! Baby Boone, come play on the blanket with me!" and "I don't want him here! These are MY TOYS! NOT YOURS, BABY BOONE!"

#4: Stop yelling at Boy Wonder so much.
Unfortunately, I've heard that many three-year-olds go through a big selective hearing phase, when they blithely ignore Mom unless she's shouting. This seems to be what's going on here. Plus, if he didn't do things like try to run off in parking lots, knock his brother over, and attempt to turn the coffee table into a jungle gym, I wouldn't be inspired to yell so much. But again, he's a very physically confident three-year-old.* I will buy earplugs for my neighbors.

#5: Make concerted effort to fit into array of smaller trousers filling storage bins in closet.
My work wardrobe, if I EVER have occasion to use it again, would quadruple.

#6: Write more.
(Get ready!)

#7: Keep house clean and organized.
You can always give an apartment a cursory cleaning, move to another one, and still get most of your cleaning deposit back. Houses require a bit more attention.

Yeah. We'll see how THAT goes.

*I was startled to find out that not all three-year-olds are physically confident. A former worker mentioned that she'd enrolled her son in a gymnastics program after noticing that he was crazily verbal but not all that enthusiastic about running, jumping, or climbing. It worked out quite well for him and now he's much more confident. I wonder how one gets a three-year-old to display less physical confidence; not even whacking his head on the coffee table seems to deter Boy Wonder. In fact, he's started taking Pretend Falls (thunk. "Oops, I fell down! HAHAHAHAHHAHAH!") lately.


Anonymous said...

Three year old selective hearing loss is nothing compared to that of the average Teen.

Anithe said...

So I've heard. Check back in 2017 for an update on communicating with a teenage Boy Wonder! Perhaps I'll have even found a job by then.