Monday, January 29, 2007

Boy Wonder on teething

"Grandma? When I was a little baby and growing MY teeth, I didn't cry at all. I just sat and looked."

Well, I'm glad that Boy Wonder has such pleasant memories of teething. However, I am here to tell you that he cried, a lot. And cried some more. And didn't want to drink his bottles at daycare. (Right around this age, he started ignoring his bottles and scarfed down jarred baby food instead. This left me a bit discouraged, as I was still pumping faithfully and sending bottles with him every day.) I think there were even a couple of fevers involved. Not that it was The Worst Time Ever, because overall he was still an easygoing baby, but teething did give him quite a bit of discomfort.

Baby Boone has two teeth so far, and doesn't seem to be in too much discomfort, but is a bit clingy. Just about all the time, in fact. As for his diapers: they're improving, I think? After changing his outfit twice this morning, I put him in pajamas, which are far easier to remove if befouled by Diapers of Doom. He seemed to really feel the pajama vibe, because he soon settled down and took a three-hour nap. So clearly, he wasn't feeling his best. I hope that tomorrow finds him feeling better!

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