Friday, January 12, 2007

Just GO already

I am confident that I am not the first person to blog about this; in fact, I'm confident that I'm not the thousandth person to blog about this. So my apologies to those who have blogged before.

But, boy. What is up with three-year-olds blithely ignoring the call of nature? Boy Wonder has been wearing big-boy underwear featuring a variety of different cartoon characters since August, and he's been doing very well. Frequently, however, he waits until the last moment possible. Every parent in the world is no doubt familiar with a certain kind of dance that preschoolers frequently perform, involving much crotch-grabbing and bouncing from one foot to the other, that inspires the nearest adult to say, "Hey. I think it's time to go potty now, Junior." When my cousins and I were growing up, our elders called it, crudely but accurately, the PeePee Dance.

Well. This morning, shortly after waking up, Boy Wonder let loose with what was not so much a Dance as a whole goshdarned Recital. With several encores. Yes, there was crotch-grabbing and bouncing from one foot to the other. There were also deep-knee bends, amusing facial expressions, and screaming denials. ("I DO NOT HAVE TO GO POTTY! I DON'T NEED TO! NO POTTY! NO!") Amazingly, the screaming denials continued as he hopped, bounced, and grabbed his way into the bathroom, used it, flushed, and washed his hands.

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