Saturday, January 06, 2007

Not-so-good housekeeping

Back in the day when I was employed, Boy Wonder and I discussed all sorts of important issues on the drive home from daycare--age ("I will be four on my next birthday! How old will I be after that? Five! And one day I'll be 30, like Mommy!"), family relationships ("Yes, Cousin and his baby sister are both your cousins. You can have more than one cousin."), reality vs. fiction ("I don't care if Other Kid says you only have one eye. He's being silly. You have two eyes."), and other assorted topics ("Seriously. I don't know where the billboard with the dancing man went."). Since we're down to one day of daycare per week, we don't have too many of these conversations anymore, but the one on Thursday was somewhat memorable.

"Mommy? Is that the dryer store?" (We were driving past a laundromat.)
"No. That's a place with washers and dryers for people to use, if theirs are broken or they don't have any."
"Oh." (long pause) "It's hard to cook outside, isn't it? It's hard to cook without a house. You should never cook outside the house."
"Uh. Well, Daddy uses the grill to cook dinner sometimes, and the grill is outside."
"Oh. OK." (long pause) "You should never cook without a DRYER, then."

I tried taking a logic class back in college, and the results temporarily crashed out my GPA. Clearly, Boy Wonder takes after me.

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