Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The peacock scared my popcorn

Another statistically improbable phrase! Here's how it came about.

We were at the zoo on Saturday. Boy Wonder was happily ensconced in the front portion of the double stroller, looking at a polar bear and munching on popcorn (we'd placed some in a plastic cup instead of giving him the whole giant bag). Then it happened. A peacock sauntered by, casually glancing at the stroller scene...and then it turned around, postured, and squawked in Boy Wonder's face. Loudly. Boy Wonder jumped about a foot, bursting into tears and tossing his cup of popcorn into the air. Popcorn scattered, tears flew, and passerby were highly amused. Boy Wonder was provided with more popcorn, tears stopped flying, and the peacock once again sauntered by casually, heading straight for the scattered popcorn. (I think that was her intention all along.)

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