Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Cue circus music

Three-year-olds are a trip.

Yesterday afternoon, Boy Wonder fell asleep on the way home from school. He's been doing that a lot lately, since he pretty much quit taking naps. Sometimes, he will fall asleep on the way home and sleep through until the next morning. While I am fine with him doing this once a week or so, I don't want it to become the status quo. The kid weighs 29 pounds; he doesn't need to be skipping meals. So we usually wake him up for dinner. Mostly, he is fine after a few cranky minutes. Sadly, last night was not one of those times. Waking him up resulted in more than an hour of screaming blue hysteria. First he agreed to calm down if he could talk to Grandpa on the phone, so I called my parents and explained his urgent need to speak to Grandpa. For whatever reason, though, my mother decided she'd try talking to him first. I am unclear as to why she thought that was a good idea. More screaming blue hysteria ensued, and by the time Grandpa got on the phone, Boy Wonder was absolutely incoherent and had to lie down on the floor. He finally calmed down enough to get in the bathtub (after half an hour of "I don't like a bath! No bath! I had a bath already! I don't LIKE a bath!"), where he mostly sulked for a while. Then I put some shampoo in his hair; this was the wrong thing to do, apparently, as he started in with the dramatic weeping again, and finally shouted, "I don't want to talk to you! Don't look at me!"

Then, thirty seconds later, he looked up at the ceiling, smiled, and said...

"Is it starting to rain in here?"


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