Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Mission accomplished! Well, sort of.

This morning's mission: get out of the house by 7:10, get children safely to daycare, get self safely to work. Status of this morning's mission: complete, with a few technical difficulties along the way.

I woke up at 2:00 this morning (Baby Boone was hungry) and couldn't help noticing that I had a roaring headache. Baby Boone ate and fell asleep again, and I went back to sleep as well, hoping that sleep would cause the headache to quit roaring. It didn't, as I discovered the next time I woke up, at 4:40 (Baby Boone was hungry again). As I was feeding Baby Boone, I heard another voice:

"Mommy? Mommy? Is it morning yet? I want a waffle and orange juice! Is it time to get up?"

(For some reason, Boy Wonder has been waking up ridiculously early lately. He used to sleep until about 6:15 or so, but the past few weeks have seen wake-up times between 5:13 and 5:47. Fortunately, if I turn on his bedroom light he'll play quietly for a while, until it actually IS morning.)

"No, not yet." I called back. "But as soon as I finish feeding your brother, I'll come turn your light on and you can play for a while."

"No! NO! It's morning! I want to get up! It's light out!" And then I heard the sound of a tantrum starting to be thrown. Well, usually he's fine with playing quietly for a while. (He was today, after a few minutes of blowing off steam, and the official getting-up time was 5:55.)

The morning proceeded fairly smoothly after that, with Boy Wonder being presented with orange juice, cartoons, and a waffle. Baby Boone was still sleeping, and I was able to shower, dress, quickly pack two diaper/extra clothes bags, one lunch, one breast pump and its assorted equipment, one general stuff-to-take-to-work bag, and a partridge in a freakin' pear tree.

Then, the time came to put on Boy Wonder's shoes. As he'd already been awake for two hours, he was becoming somewhat cranky and wanted to wear a pair of dirty socks that had been hanging out on the kitchen floor for a few days. (Note to self: clean kitchen floor more often.) I think I had just said something like, "Get over here and get these clean socks on NOW!" when thunder crashed, Boy Wonder looked very startled, and I jumped about a foot. Then I opened the door to reveal a full-blown summer thunderstorm, complete with torrential rains. Seriously, I started wondering if someone had received instructions to build an ark, and I'd just missed the memo.

Boy Wonder (who was eventually persuaded that clean socks were better than dirty) and I got soaked during our twenty-foot dash to the car, although he did get a kick out of running in the rain. The foot of Baby Boone's car seat got a bit damp, but he remained dry. And I pulled out of our parking spot at exactly 7:10!

Just in time to knock over my water bottle, which I'd carefully placed on the seat beside me after forgetting that I lost the cap about a week ago.

Tomorrow is anothah day.

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