Sunday, June 18, 2006

Here's your fizzy water!

Disclaimer: No one has ever actually asked Boy Wonder to bring them a beverage of any sort. He's just started doing it on his own; last time we had dinner at my parents' house, I heard my mother getting me a can of sparkling water and Boy Wonder saying, "No, I want to bring Mommy her fizzy water!"

Today being Father's Day, the boys had some cards ready for Dragon. (I purchased the cards, of course, and then Boy Wonder customized them with some crayons.) So this morning, I sent Boy Wonder to perform the Wake Up Daddy ritual, and gave him the cards to take with him. Dragon was sleepily looking at the cards, and I suddenly heard Boy Wonder rummaging around in the refrigerator.

"Boy Wonder, what are you doing?" I called.

"I'm getting something for Daddy!" he replied.

I started to hear things falling over in the fridge, and went to investigate. Then I saw what Boy Wonder was carrying, and became too busy cracking up as I followed him back into the bedroom. Where Dragon was very surprised indeed when Boy Wonder said, "Here, Daddy! Here's your fizzy water that I brought for you!" and presented him with...a beer. At 8:00 on a Sunday morning, no less.

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