Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Gonna wash that...oh, never mind

Ok, so. The washer? Broke. Again.

I thought that having it break three times while I was in various stages of pregnancy (the last time when I was officially nine months pregnant) was enough. Nope. Then, I thought that having it break the day before a holiday weekend, when only one maintenance person was working and therefore could not fix it unti the Tuesday after the holiday weekend, was enough. Nope, although we did get to use the washer in a vacant apartment, and I got to spend the holiday weekend merriliy trotting laundry between our apartment and the empty one.

And then, the washer was fixed! On the Thursday after the holiday weekend, not the Tuesday, because maintenance was just too busy. And then it broke again, four days after it got fixed. Ironically, it is Resident Appreciation Week at our apartment complex. We are feeling profoundly underappreciated.

But now, the washer is fixed! For the time being.

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