Sunday, December 03, 2006

Snow, man

Overall, I like living in Wisconsin. It's an interesting mix of cities and farms. A friend who moved to Washington, D.C. mentioned that she kept getting lost while using the public transportation; she'd stay on the train for a few extra minutes and wind up in front of the Treasury Department. That sounds pretty exciting, actually; in Wisconsin, getting lost gets you to several cows and a grain silo. Unless you're downtown in the city, in which case you'll run across every one-way street known to humankind. But the lake is beautiful, the skyline ain't bad either, and there are trees everywhere. I like it here.

Good thing, too, otherwise I would be entirely distraught when we get days like Friday. In case you live in a bubble and did not hear any news about The Storm that Slammed the Midwest, we had quite the blizzard on Friday, with twelve inches of snow falling in our very own neighborhood. As first-time homeowners, we went through the special experience of having to do all of our own snow shoveling! And my car got stuck at one end of our alley, and I had to dig it out! With the assistance of some of my new neighbors, and a police officer! And then Boy Wonder's boot came off as we walked through an alley full of snow, and he absolutely lost his tiny mind!

He was better on Saturday, though, when the snow had stopped falling and we went outside to play in it. Unfortunately, our foot of snow does not consist of the kind that's good for packing into snowballs and snowmen. At least we tried...

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