Saturday, December 16, 2006

I ain't no fortune-ate one

Here is what yesterday's fortune cookies had to say!*

"Seek elegance rather than luxury, and refinement rather than fashion."

Well, shoot. I can't tell you how absolutely useful this advice is in my current unemployed situation.

"The world is always ready to receive talent."
Uh-huh. I don't think the place I interviewed with is ready to receive talent, because I haven't heard from them yet. I haven't heard from anyone else yet either.** I expect the anxiety dreams to start any second now. Possibly even when I'm awake.

"Your playful spirit heals and inspires others."

How heartwarming. Well, I was cracking jokes nonstop as I packed up my office. I sure hope someone found them healing and inspirational.

*Yeah, I ate three fortune cookies. With the mood I'm in, I'm lucky I didn't run behind the counter and grab them all. I would have analyzed all the fortunes, too.

**Except the pizza place. I use my Yahoo email for ordering stuff online (um, when I'm ordering stuff online, which is not now), and also for my resume. Unfortunately, this means that I'll see that there are new messages, get all excited, and then crash when I find three coupons for cheese sticks and the Big Giant Pizza special.

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