Saturday, December 16, 2006

One small step for a baby...

... one cry of "HOLY HELL, WHAT NEXT?" for all mankind.

I mean, seriously. Baby Boone rolled over the day before he turned three months old. He started crawling at five and a half months, on a Saturday, and by the following Monday he had figured out how to pull up to a standing position. He has spent the last few months doing the walking-while-holding-on-to-furniture thing, and his latest trick involves happily pushing a laundry basket around the room, shopping-cart style. And yesterday, at the age of eight months and seven days, he took his first steps. Tiny, shuffling steps, but steps nonetheless.

I am a bit afraid about what this means for the future. Boy Wonder climbed out of his crib two months before his second birthday, and he walked at eleven months. If Baby Boone is walking at eight months, when's HE going to climb out of his crib?

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