Friday, December 08, 2006

Compare & contrast

Around this time of year, my father-in-law and his wife head off for a nice tropical vacation at an all-inclusive resort. This year, it will be even nicer than usual. On Thursday, his wife called to tell me that they'd arrived safely...and that their room had been upgraded four levels, so that they have a particularly luxurious suite with free room service and a free in-room bar for the duration of their ten-night stay. I am immensely happy for them, and hope they have a wonderful vacation.

Also on Thursday, I think our high here in town was fifteen (15) degrees. Boy Wonder spent the day producing Sneezes of Terror ("Oh, honey, don't cry; I'll wipe your nose! No, don't use your hand...oh, gross. I'll get a washcloth. Hold still, OK?"). Baby Boone didn't fall asleep until after 10PM, and shortly after I placed him in his cozy crib, Boy Wonder woke up screaming with an attack of spasmodic croup, and I was up until midnight comforting him and trying to get him breathing comfortably again, and then Baby Boone, who had of course woken up screaming about twenty minutes after Boy Wonder started screaming, had to be comforted (by me, because for some reason he was having none of Dragon) and placed back in his cozy crib. Which happened sometime around 12:30, I think. Poor guys. I thought croup was supposed to fade away as kids grew older and their airways got bigger, but I'm pretty sure that's what it was. I guess Boy Wonder is just lucky!* And I still have no job, of course, and have the added bonus of being in Interview Limbo--I had an interview on Monday, which is of course great, and it seemed to go just fine, but I have now thought of approximately 567 things that I should have said during the interview.

On the plus side, I have now thought of 567 things that I should say during my next interview, whenever it may be and whoever it may be with. Boy Wonder appears to be feeling better now, although he still sounds quite congested and was extremely cranky at bedtime. Another company expressed a vague interest ("We'd like to see some writing samples, please"), which is reassuring. And I may not have a free in-room bar, but I am having a beer.

And we'll go to Story Time next Thursday, I think.

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