Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Name game

"Mom? My name is Stormin' Stripes."

"Uh-huh, that's ni...wait, what?"

"My name is Stormin' Stripes. He is a superhero. He wears stripes and has storm powers!"

"Oh. He's not on TV, is he?"

"No. I made him up in my head."


"Actually, my name is Axel Thunderstorm."

"What! Um, okay. Well, that's not a bad superhero name either."

(pause for stop at Golden Arches drive-through)

"What kind of toys did we get in our Happy Meals?"

"I don't know. Maybe a pirate toy? The boxes have pirates on them."

"Oh. Like in Pirates of the Carambeamam?"*

"Just like."


"Mom? My name is Captain Thunderstorm."

"Boyboy. Capin Funtorm."**

*Not that we have let him watch these movies. One of his school friends has, though, and is a big fan.

**In which Action Hero shares his opinion, which is that of the Tiny Echo.

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