Friday, March 21, 2008

Infernal equinox

Happy Spring, everyone!

Except if you live here, that is. We were just wrapping up a pleasant week of lovely spring weather, in which the 40+ temperatures melted the two feet of dirty-looking snow covering just about every road in the city. Our alley suddenly seemed huge, since the snowbanks on each side of it had departed; driving was suddenly much, much easier; and we finally saw all of the grass in our backyard, most of which we haven't seen since November.

However, despite Spring's official arrival, Winter is not quite ready to quit partying down and go crash somewhere, and is currently reminding us that, after all, we do live in Wisconsin, and should not exactly be surprised that it is snowing in March. This is a bit excessive, though; last time I went outside the drifts were up to my knees, and I just checked the local news online and discovered that we are having an official Snow Emergency. (Less impressive than it sounds; mostly it just means that your car will get towed if you park on certain streets. Also that the airport is full of stranded and pissed-off travelers.)

So yeah, more snow. It is prettier than the last batch, having not gotten all grungy yet. But Dragon is tired of shoveling it, various sets of my neighbors are very likely tired of helping me dig out my car when it gets stuck in the alley, and I am tired of having to make sure that our selection of snowpants, hats, and mittens is always clean and available. Boy Wonder, predictably, is delighted, and said, "Mommy! Look, it snowed again! Yay!" Action Hero, on the other hand, is not, and said mournfully, "Oh, no. Is nowing. Colda all wet. Oh, no."

Colda all wet, man. Oh, no.

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