Sunday, February 25, 2007

O brother, WHO art thou?

Several weeks ago, during one of our Commute Conversations, Boy Wonder suddenly announced, "Mommy, I have two brothers!"

Now, I may not be certain of a great deal lately, but I am quite certain indeed that I've only given birth to two children. Thinking that he might perhaps mean his cousin, I said, "No, J3 is your cousin, not your brother."

"No, Mommy! I have two brothers. Action Hero and Other Boy Wonder. At school."

Things were getting clearer. Other Boy Wonder, another kid at daycare, has the same actual first name as Boy Wonder. My Boy Wonder is about eight months older, so they're only in the same class for a few months out of the year, and this is the time of year when their paths cross.

"Oh, I see. Well, just because he's got the same name doesn't mean that he's your brother. Action Hero is your brother, but Other Boy Wonder isn't really."

"Yes he is. He will come to our house and play with my toys and eat dinner with us."

Other Boy Wonder's mom, who happens to work at the daycare, was quite entertained when I told her Boy Wonder's thoughts on brotherhood. She also has another son, who's a couple of months older than Action Hero; we briefly wondered why Boy Wonder hadn't tossed him into the scenario as well.

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