Saturday, February 24, 2007

Fever in the morning, fever all through the night?

So today, Action Hero was rather irritable, and did not wish to do anything except eat and sleep. Twenty minutes after he woke up from a nap, he would be yawning and rubbing his eyes (and pulling on his ears, too, which he does rather heavily when he's tired). I chalked it up to his getting over a virus (more on that whole episode later), and comforted him as best I could.

But, duh. Had I actually bothered to, I don't know, TAKE HIS TEMPERATURE, he probably would have been feeling better. I finally realized this at about 5:00 today, by which time he had a fever of 102.6. Twenty minutes later, after an appropriate dose of fever-reducing medication, he was happily pushing a toy truck around the living room, dancing around with musical toys, and rolling a ball around the living room with Dragon.

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