Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Still taking things literally

Today I had a Home and School Meeting to go to (sort of the Catholic School version of the PTA, I think), so Dragon picked up the boys and got them situated with dinner (they had a picnic! in the backyard!) while I sat in a church hall basement and listened to a summary of fundraising efforts. Good times. And good cookies. Anyway, I made it it home before sunset, and, as I pulled into the garage, I noticed something colorful (not a bat! whoo!) flapping merrily against the garage window. Further investigation revealed a red, white, and blue windsock, in the style of Modern Kindergarten Art Class.

After hugging each of the children about six thousand times, I said to Boy Wonder, "Honey, did you make the red, white, and blue thing outside?"

"No." he replied.


"I didn't make it outside. I made it at school."

And to think, a large company pays me to edit its documents.

1 comment:

IntangibleArts said...

Classic! Who's the editor now?