Monday, April 14, 2008

Non-Kodak moment

Brought to you by Gross Moments in Parenting, Volume MCXLD, Chapter 57: Noses and Their Contents. Anithe & Co., var. dates from 2003 to present.

The scene: a living room, shortly after dinner. Action Hero, reduced to stormy weeping because I'd dared to WASH his HANDS and FACE after DINNER, decided I wasn't so bad after all and turned to me for comfort, burrowing his head in my shoulder and generally being quite cuddly. He sat up on my lap, smiled, and did a variety of cute two-year-old things. He even let out a cute two-year-old-style sneeze, very dramatic, with a "KaCHOO!" sound effect. I said, "Bless you," and reflected on how cute toddler sneezes sound.

Right before I felt the fine mist settle onto the front of my neck.

Thank you for your support. Tune in soon for the next Gross Moments offering, Look Out Below, or, When Kids Barf.

1 comment:

epota said...

Thanks for sharing. These moments have to be experienced to be totally appreciated. Last month, while Su was struggling with the flu, I found myself having to react quickly to move her into a sitting up position when hearing the recognizable sounds of impending vomit. On 2 of 3 days, I was unsuccessful in getting out of the way of the projectiles. Too little time to react.

It's during those moments when you realize how much you have to love your child. Because whom else would subject themselves to this on multiple occasions?