Monday, August 13, 2007

Recent hits

School Supplies

Boy Wonder will be starting school--real school; heaven help us all, where did the time go?--next week, and in preparation, his batch of school supplies has been boxed up neatly, awaiting transport to his classroom during next week's open house. Action Hero really likes these boxes, and occasionally will remove the lid, examine the box's contents, and rearrange things a bit. Then he'll replace the lid and move along. At least I thought he was moving along.

My parents were visiting this weekend, and Mom noticed the boxes. "Oh, are those his school supplies? What kind of stuff does he need?" she said. I opened the boxes, and said, "Oh, just standard stuff. Crayons, markers, glue sticks..."

"What will he be using the CDs for?"

"Nothing...I mean, they weren't on the list...wait, what? There are CDs in there?"

"Uh-huh. Oh look, there's a sock too! And a little toy dog!"

Needless to say, socks and little toy dogs were not on the supply list, nor were CDs; apparently Action Hero felt the need to pack a few extra things. He has good taste, however, as one of the CDs was a Hawkins-compiled mix.

Bathroom talk

Many years ago, when I was an eighth grader babysitting for the neighbor kid, his mom said to me, "I'm just at a loss! He and his friend use bathroom words all the time! They change the lyrics to songs and think it's the funniest thing ever! Last week one of them sang, 'Santa Claus is coming to...FART!' and they laughed for a good twenty minutes about that! What should I do?" At the time, my younger cousins were making similar jokes, and I was like, "Uh. Well, I think all boys do that. I'm sure he'll stop sometime."

And it is now time to tell myself, "Uh, well. All boys do that. I'm sure he'll stop eventually." The bathroom humor has landed, and lo, it is gross. For once, I'll spare you the details. The daycare teacher has confirmed that everyone is now doing this, not just Boy Wonder. Must be a fun classroom these days.

Two out of three ain't bad

Earlier this summer, during my first conversation with the principal of Boy Wonder's school, she said, "And how old is Boy Wonder?" I said, "He's four. Which he'll tell you himself, within five seconds of meeting you. He will then tell you that he has Shrek shoes. He might also possibly tell you that he has a baby brother called Action Hero."

Later that day, we went to go tour the school and meet the principal. She said, "Hi, Boy Wonder! How are you today?" He said, "HI I'M BOY WONDER I'M FOUR YEARS OLD! LOOK THERE IS SHREK ON MY SHOES!" (pause) "Where is your bathroom? I need to go potty."

Well, I was close.

Batman returns

So far, no more sightings of the flying mammal kind have occured, but that doesn't mean that I don't jump three feet whenever a door squeaks...and, as Charming Bungalow was built in 1924, that's a frequent occurence. Batman did return, and I hope this is the end of the bat situation, because I'm running out of bad bat-related puns to use in blog post titles and also because I DON'T WANT WILDLIFE IN MY HOUSE ANYMORE. Batman said that he could not find any, um, signs that bats had been visiting recently, and usually those are quite evident.

As a special reminder, however, dinner tonight featured soft flour tortillas. Boy Wonder was eating his with great concentration; he then unfolded it to reveal that he had nibbled his tortilla into the shape of a bat.

Yeah, I think he's ready for kindergarten.

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