Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You can always go...downtown

Today, I re-entered the world of Gainful Employment. I forgot to mention this earlier, perhaps because it freaked me out a little, but my new job is downtown. In the city. In an actual high-rise building. Surrounded by a lot of other tallish buildings. This is somewhat exciting; even before my 19-year-old self headed off to Arizona, I'd never spent much time downtown.

As it turns out, high-rise buildings have their advantages. The one I work in now features an attached parking structure, a small coffee shop, a restaurant, and a convenience store. There are electrical outlets in the bathrooms (er, at least the women's bathrooms); if I were so inclined, I could plug in a curling iron and style my hair right there. (That's a pretty big "if," considering I can't remember when I last used my curling iron, don't even remember where I put it when we moved back to Wisconsin three years ago, and don't ever bother actually styling my hair anyway. But if I wanted to style my hair in my new office building, I could.) The convenience store proved remarkably convenient this morning. I don't know what possessed me to wear a skirt today, what with the six (!) inches of snow we were expecting, but wear a skirt I did, and stick my thumb through my pantyhose I also did. I had just decided, rather anxiously, to arrange myself mindfully so that the large run forming in them could not be detected easily, and then I walked past the convenience store and delightedly beheld an entire RACK of pantyhose. So I bought a pair, and once again displayed a professional appearance. Which lasted until about noon, when I stuck my thumb through the new pantyhouse. There's got to be a lesson in this somewhere; I think it's probably "Don't wear skirts. Stick to pants. And stop telling the Internet about what you wear under your skirts."

So I'll tell you, briefly, about my new office. (But not too much, since now that I have a job I'd like to keep it.) I have a nice cubicle, which is located next to some windows. I can see a good portion of downtown, including some nostalgic landmark-type buildings. (This is a nice change from seeing the parking lot, a dumpster, and some geese.) Free coffee and tea are available in the break areas, and the coworkers appear quite pleasant.

And then we all got home for the evening, and Action Hero said, "Hi! HI! Hiiiiiiiii! Ha! Hai! Hi! Hei!" and waved frantically. Then he climbed up onto the couch and started walking around on it.

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