Monday, July 16, 2007

I: Camp Wannahockaloogie

Last week, on the way back from T-ball practice:

Boy Wonder: I am so tired! I will go to sleep! Good night, everyone! pulls hat down over face and begins to "snore" loudly

Note to the uninitiated: when Boy Wonder pretends to snore, he actually sounds like he is trying to...well...hock a loogie. A big one.

Action Hero: Cough! Cough! Garf! Haaackkkkkspl!

Me: Oh no! Is he choking? Does he have something in his throat?

Action Hero: Garf! Cough! Hahaha! Hahahah! Garf! Hacckpspl! HAHAHA! Bleh!

Me: Oh, dear God. He's trying to "snore" too.

The sound of loogie-hocking traveled merrily across the summer sky for the next few minutes. Ah, the wonder of boys...

II: Call Me

New toy: a Spiderman "cell phone." Looks sort of like a real phone. Boy Wonder has been "calling" Spiderman a whole lot this week.

"Mom? I don't think I'll call Spiderman while we're grocery shopping."

"That's fine; we've been calling him a lot. And you know, he might be busy sometimes too!"

"Mom. He's not busy. He just spends all day swinging around on his web."

III: Guess Who?

"Hello, Spiderman? Hi, it's Boy Wonder! Yeah. OK. See you later!" (sound of toy phone being hung up) "Mom? Spiderman is coming over for dinner!"

IIII: Visualize eaten peas

"I don't want my peas. I don't LIKE peas. We have begtables at school. Not peas here. I don't like peas." (sound of post-dinner Rice Krispie treat being offered) "I realize now that I like peas."

"Realize" sounds hilarious coming from a four-year-old.

IV: Gratuitous '80s Songs

Action Hero has recently developed a liking for a small stuffed Mickey Mouse, purchased for him by Grandma last year around this time. He brought it over to me one day, and I tossed out the first few bars of "Mickey." Of course, now I have to do this EVERY TIME he shows me the stuffed animal. He must like this a lot, as he keeps running over, handing me Mickey, and then standing there clapping and looking expectant.

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