Then, there was Thanksgiving! I am seriously considering assembling snack platters and cooking turkey more frequently, if such will make Boy Wonder (normally a touch fussy) eat with the gusto that he did on Thanksgiving. I meant to blog about Thanksgiving too, but there was homework to do, and there were things to do around the house, and there is also Action Hero, who every day accomplishes great feats of physical dexterity (see below).
And then, there was...sewage! Charming Bungalow, like many old houses, seems to really enjoy knocking us for a loop every once in a while. (Bats in the attic! Bat in the basement! Birds in the eaves! Mice in the garage!) However, the most recent house-related event, in which foul-smelling water rose through the basement floor drain whenever I did a load of laundry, takes the prize at the country fair (so far, anyway). It also wins the Totally Most Inconvenient Prize, since I do a LOT of laundry. More details are coming soon; for now, things have been cleared up via Roto-Rooter. I celebrated by doing eight loads of laundry today.
And now, relative calm has returned. For the moment, the drains are functioning properly. My semester is almost over (final on Tuesday), so homework will drift softly over the horizon line, ready to reappear in January but blessedly absent for the holidays. My children are still climbing the walls (and the furniture), but are also lots of fun, and the elder of said children is beside himself with holiday excitement most of the time. May we continue living in wildly uninteresting times.